International Network

We belong to an international network (Vialegis) with a presence in several European countries. Our offices are based in Belgium (Brussels), Germany (Frankfurt, Köln, München and Düsseldorf), Luxembourg, the Netherlands (Amsterdam) and Spain (Madrid and Barcelona).

Vialegis Belgium has fifteen consultants and is headed by Valérie Hofman.

Schollmeyer & Steidl has thirteen consultants spread over four offices, and is headed by Dr. Barbara von Rohr.

Vialegis Luxemburg is managed by Alexis Yaghi, assisted by three consultants and cooperates closely with the Belgian Vialegis-team.

Vialegis Netherlands is managed by Marjorie Henny and Martijn Jasper and has two more consultants.

Iterlegis Espana has five consultants, four in Madrid and one in Barcelona, under the direction of Marta del Coto (Barcelona) and María Burgos (Madrid).

Vialegis International

Vialegis is currently moving full speed ahead with its European expansion by establishing a network of local offices and reliable cooperation partners. We also handle search requests for countries where Vialegis does not (yet) have offices.

We will of course keep you posted on our new European adventures!